I am OBSESSED with face masks!!
If I could get a facial every week, I absolutely would.
I was never that into them most of my life, maybe because my skin was never that nice and I facials never really helped that much. I would get so upset at my poor mama because she used to say that once puberty was over my zits would go away…. well they didn’t, and my friends, I spent my 20s dealing with all the fun that comes with “acne prone skin” and an oily T zone, not to mention these gnarly “below the surface” big boys that would come out around my chin line and:::
a) stay for weeks and
b) make me absolutely nuts because I’m a picker and I would try to get them before they were ready (big mistake!!!) and they would become redder, angrier, and scab over … and every lady knows that nothing looks pretty when there’s a giant scab over it (no matter how much concealer you try to hide it with) ...
I eventually learned that I was treating my skin all wrong all these years!
I was exfoliating all the time, thinking I needed to scrub off the dead stuff daily and get rid of the oils on my face.
I used acne creams and thick moisturizers because I had the dreaded “combination skin” … zits AND dry flaky grossness, and no good way to tackle both of the problems at the same time.
My friend Steph said it best once — “my acne keeps me young!” Haha ... always makes me smile when I remember that! I certainly felt like a 12 year old hormonal maniac dealing with all this crap all the time!!
I was gifted a facial from a good friend a few months before my wedding (thank you, Heather!! :) ) to Lemon + Honey Day Spa in Newport Beach, CA, and it was an absolutely life-changing and SKIN changing experience!! They used products by a company called Eminence and you guys … it was so incredibly amazing that I forever changed my skin care regimen.
I am now sporting skin that is sans acne, that faces the world without foundation and concealer most days (unless I’m getting fancy ya know), and is dewy and bright rather than dull and ruddy.
I learned that I was over exfoliating and constantly stripping my face of it’s precious natural oils, so then in turn my skin would over-produce oil because it was without it… hello hamster wheel from hell… and the pharmaceutical grade acne creams and ointments were so harsh on my sensitive skin that I was always rocking a reddish hue and looking rather irritated and tight… sigh.
I started to feed my skin with organic products that contain fruits, plants, and herbs, which then in turn nourish the skin with insane amounts of nutrients and potent ingredients for a healthy, vibrant complexion.
It was a game-changer. It was a FACE-changer (see what I did there).
It was worth the wait because I love my face now and I appreciate her for braving the world every day, even when she was covered in zits and redness.
I can’t always go get an Eminence facial, so I will frequently do a DIY face mask at home when I am in need of some pampering and relaxing. This recipe is from doTERRA’s LIVING magazine, issue Winter 2019.
1 cup dry oats
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup honey
5-7 drops doTERRA Lavender essential oil
Mix up in a bowl and store in a mason jar in the fridge for weekly at home skin nourishment! So simple, so relaxing. The lavender is calming and soothing to the skin, not to mention smells freaking amazing. I leave mine on for 10 minutes then wash off with warm water. Then I watch a refreshed and soothed complexion emerge and pat myself on the back for feeding my skin and taking 10 minutes to do some much needed self care.
Do you have any DIY recipes that you enjoy? Would love to expand my repertoire! Also, let me know if you tried this mask and enjoyed it! Tell me in the comments below!
Click here to order your own doTERRA essential oils!
Abundantly Yours,
Emily :)