Spring is becoming one of my favorite times of year. My wonderful Boo has such a deep appreciation for spring and all its loveliness, and over the last 5½ years we have been together, I’ve really come to adore it too.
See I’m a fall baby, so I think everything about September and October is just perfect in every way and there’s no changing my mind. I mean come on—bonfires, football, apple cider, Hocus Pocus, orangy colored leaves, hoodies, Homecoming?? Amiright??!!
But honestly, I do really love spring. There’s so much happening, so much wonder, so much beauty emerging everywhere you look, that it’s hard not to appreciate the timeless power of Mother Earth and how she just …. knows to bring spring again every March/April/May!
With spring also comes things like: spring cleaning your house! And your garage! And the attic! And maybe the shed! And the basement! And that junk drawer that keeps collecting everything you own that doesn’t have a home … like those 30 pens that are out of ink, the random dice from Yahtzee, the user manual for The Roomba, stray batteries, pony tail holders … don’t act like you don’t have one of those drawers!!
Spring also brings about some really amazing powerhouses in the veggie world. Lots of spring veggies are bitter, almost with an astringent quality. This is because Mother Nature is a strategic goddess and made it so that the bounty in spring time is an abundance of veggies that are super supportive of our organs of detoxification: kidneys/liver/colon.
Ways To Spring Clean Your Health This Month
establish a morning ritual (like warm lemon water to jumpstart your liver, or doing a 10 minute meditation before starting your day. Rituals connect us to the planet and our deepest desires!)
·lightly steam veggies as opposed to baking or roasting them (roasting/baking is for fall/winter months!)
hop over to the farmer’s market and stock up on all kinds of spring beauties (think: sprouts, tender shoots, arugula, dandelion greens, asparagus, string beans, snap peas)
plant some flowers!!
plant some herbs!!
plant a tree for Earth Day!!
volunteer to clean up trash somewhere in your city/neighborhood because this place belongs to all of us and it is our duty to keep it beautiful
hydrate hydrate hydrate
enjoy veggies raw with homemade hummus
enjoy strawberries for a snack
squeeze lemon on your food in place of salt for a delicate brightness
try out new greens for a fun twist on a boring old salad (arugula, radicchio, endive, bibb lettuce)
green smoothies!! show your liver some love with a smoothie for breakfast after your warm lemon water that has: parsley, avocado, a green apple, handful of spinach, and a lemon with the yellow pith shaved off (just use a potato peeler). combine in a blender, add water, blend, and drink up! (then go poo probably haha)
enjoy raw radishes dipped in some good EVOO and S&P
go for a walk every day, even if it’s just a short one!
walk around barefoot in the grass – this is called grounding, and it’s an insanely easy (and free) way to get some of the Earth’s naturally occurring negative ions up into your body to mitigate the effects of positively charged (read: toxic) ions OUT
swing on a swing set in the park
throw the Frisbee
spend some time under the moon
set an intention for the season, internalize it, breathe it in, and create the things your heart really wants to be creating
practice kindness
(even my little boo, Oliver, enjoys springtime, too!)
Let the advent of this beautiful spring season mark the beginning of your very own rebirth and renewal.
Honor your own spring and the season happening within you right this very moment.
Reconnect with your true wants and desires.
Let go of what doesn’t serve you any longer (spring cleaning is for more than just junk in the catch all drawer, it’s emotional junk too!) and make room for all the new and good trying to find you.
Connect with our planet and do your part to protect her sacredness.
Watch your own beauty emerge.
What does this spring season mean for you?
With Love, Dandelion Greens, and all the beauty that Spring has to offer,
Emily 😊