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Welcome, Baby Reese!

fertility gratitude pregnancy Jul 01, 2024

Our world blew wide open yet again in the sweetest, most miraculous, most life-altering way on May 22, 2024, when our sweet baby boy, Reese Bradley, arrived Earthside into our arms and hearts. He was a little bit earlier than expected, but not a moment too soon. He is perfect in every way, and there is no sweeter time in my life than being his (and big brother Wyatt’s) mama.



This pregnancy brought with it some challenges that I did not have my first time around. I will share his birth story another time, but for now, I know one thing for absolute certainty:


With every new baby born, a new mother is born. And you become the mother that your child needs you to be so that they have everything they need to thrive in this life.


It’s so beautiful, how this happens. It is so essential for not only our children, but for us as mothers. We evolve and grow into this new role for this new child, and this growth allows us to truly enjoy the process of BECOMING anew, so that we can step into who this baby needs us to be to mother them best. It doesn’t matter how many babies you have – a new mother is always born with the new baby. I could weep over how perfectly God designed the mother/baby dyad and connection.


I see now, that with the challenges in the latter part of my pregnancy, and the unforeseen and unprecedented circumstances that befell us – that this needed to happen. It ALL needed to happen.


It was the ultimate lesson in surrender, trusting my instincts, relinquishing “control”, cultivating patience, finding grace in some very dark moments, and succumbing to true acceptance.


I learned to BE in the space between my expectations and hopes not meeting my reality, and finding true peace and acceptance amidst adversity, fear, uncertainty, and the most mind-numbing worry I have ever known.


We have gone through so much together, me and little Rees-ey Bear, in this short time we have been mother and son. I have nothing but peace surrounding the end of our pregnancy and his birth. I have nothing but grace for myself and my body and the incredible wisdom that it harbors to grow, nourish and nurture this darling child.


I am so infinitely grateful for how he came into our world, and that he chose our family to bless with his incredible spirit.


Navigating life with two has been wild and wonderful, chaotic at times, but far and away joyful and life-giving and so unbelievably fulfilling.


For the next foreseeable future, I will be in my postpartum bubble sipping hot tea, eating warming foods, and consuming lots of salt and sugar and mineral rich beverages with a cute snuggly baby sleeping on my body.


So deeply grateful to be in this moment with these precious children filling my heart.


Yours In Abundant Health & Love,


Emily 😊

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